Healing in Hopefulness

What is the “key” to happiness?
In my book, it is being hopeful. I have heard several people; specifically, friends/other ministers mention this word “hope” in the past few weeks and how important “hope” is for the human soul.
Hope is one of the three things that the NT Bible tells us are important.
(Faith, Hope, and Love) I notice that hope is in the middle. Hope somehow links faith and love.
“Hope” What do we all hope for in this life?
-Some hope for bread to fill their empty stomachs
-Some hope for an end of war
-Some, hope for personal peace, family and the loving touch of another person
-Some, hope for the end of terror of drugs, alcohol, abuse, or some other torment
-Some, hope for a spiritual peace
-Some, hope for a chance to have a voice
I am sure that there are many other things that are being hoped for that I cannot even imagine
I hope that when I finish seminary that God will give me an opportunity to do something helpful and hopeful with my education. I pray that humanity will benefit from what I have been doing the past ten years.
Hope does take mental and spiritual determination in something one cannot see. I hope that each of you will have renewed hope in the midst of all that you do.
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