The Unjust Voices of Religion
I delight in interactions, conversations, and experiences with people of diverse natures. I truly thrive on conversations with people who see the world a little different than I do. I am more aware of how human and how wonderful I really am by experiencing others that are different from me or have different human experiences. In the past I have struggled with how to justify why I believe what I believe. I have finally (at fourty-two) feel the liberty not to justify what I believe. I am aware that God loves all people! Not just people who all fit in one little box. I cannot explain it; I think no one can, I just feel justified in saying it. (or typing it) I believe that God loves us all equally, both intellegent and some not so intellegent, gay/straight/and trensgendered, black/white/and all colors of the rainbow, and the Jew as well as Hindu. I am not so idealistic to believe that all people are as open and accepting as I am, but...
This past week a radical group came to our howetown to stir up a bunch of racial and religious garbage. It truly breaks my heart because these people harass and scream what is unjust, hurtful, unkind and very judgmental things to people they do not know. They went to many of our churches and said some very harmful things to these congregational members. Words just cannot describe what these individuals say to create hurt and wounds to those who are the target of their hate. They actually claim to be spiritual people, led by God. I do not know what God they are actually claiming to be led by, but it is not the loving God found in the peace and joy of Jesus Christ. These people even had the guts to picket Wal-Mart and shout that John Walton has spent the last two weeks in hell. I cannot get my brain arround the fact that we have people, who claim to be Christian that spread hate not love???? I hope and pray that God can find a way into their hearts and heal their brokeness. That is the only way I can explain this truly unloving group of people. Please excuse my ranting.

good post. i wont discuss my feelings about idiotic groups of that nature. Simply put...they have way too much time on their hands, and idle hands is the devil's playhouse.
I saw these insane people on the news in June. They had gone to many highschool graduations to protest against schools that had LGBT alliances.
They are hatemongers!
I couldn't even bear to click on the link--I am too repulsed by them and everything they believe.
It seems these are often the hardest of all to love.
I wanted to thank you for your comment and visit and assure you that even if we disagree your voice and your Christian love are always welcome. ;-)
Hey there i'm doing a bit of blog hopping just now. I have my own blog and have friends that have their own, following comments/links made to people/blogs outside my own immediate circle of friends.
Bascialy trying to find interesting people/blogs to look at. I havn't read yours indepth but i read this post and it definately got my attention.
For one thing you seem to be a tolerant christian, now i don't mean to mock but sometimes it seems like you are the minority and it's people like those that you were writing about that are the majority, or possibly just a noisy minority.
Anyway as someone that is an athiest i want to ask you as someone who sounds like an all round good egg why you believe in god and why it's important to you? From what i've read so far you sound far to tolerent for most religions that i am aware of, but then i'm not an expert. I'm an outsider looking in.
Topper, I thought about something else. I think that all religions have people who take it to a limit that is unhealthy and harmful to themselves and the rest of us. I do not think that the Creator expected us to use religion or who God is to harm ourselves. I can understand why there are people who do not believe. I am one who cannot live without belief. God, actually the person of Jesus Christ was with me since childhood and words cannot express how thankful I am.
You keep an ear open. You may just find somethings wonderful speaking to you.
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