Happy Thanksgiving

My cousin Sarah, an amazing woman, and a woman that I wish that I could have grown up with, sent me an email (which I am attaching) because her email helped to point out what we are all to be thankful for; not the "stuff" in our lives, but the details that make our lives worth living. I challenge each of you to make a list too!
What I am thankful for:
Meditation, deep breathing, walking the labyrinth, worship in church and the loving Spirit of God in Christ Jesus in my life
Family, including those who have just returned to my life, those who chose not to participate fully and most certainly those who continue to be the foundation rocks for me (Howard and my Mother)
My granddaughter and her brother/or sister on its way in July 06!
The birds singing in the morning and even the presents that they leave as they fly over my car
Sojourners Magazine
Being home where it is quiet and peaceful; being alone with Howard...wonderful
Books, oh my, yes books, audio books & my MP3 player
The joy of knowing that seminary will be completed in one year, although I love it, delight in it and am refreshed in that community
Good health and even better health on its way
Faithful friends who remind me that humanity is still very good
Always learning new things, how they work, how they were imagined, and what inspires people to create
To live in a country where I can vocalize my opinions about religion and politics without being harmed
Knowing that we are one with God, with each other and that a just God is ultimately overriding injustice
----- Original Message -----
From: Sarah
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 8:20 AM
Subject: Things I am thankful for this year
Most of you know the tradition, but for the uninitiated avoid giving thanks for the easy outs "friends, family, health, etc."
fresh herbs and tomatoes from our garden
Rochester Public Market
Letchworth State Park
curry (yes, this is on my list every year)
Saturday and Sunday mornings in bed with my husband and one year old son
Charlotte Public Library
flip flops
having two porches
having finished restoring the kitchen ourselves
Harry Potter
free plants from my mom's garden
online photo sharing from far away friends
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and no discrimination in marriage
the fact that Harrison barks at neighborhood dogs
my great neighbor Dan that keeps an eye on our 'hood and brings our trash can and recycling box back from the curb every Monday
Muppet Show Season 1 on DVD
flex time
a handy spouse (who also takes the time to do research and learn to do new things the right way)