I am a spiritual being having a human experience.

Practice forgiveness...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

So, What About God???

This is in response to several emails that I recieved from people who were commenting on my blog about God.
First, to my friend, the athiest, I was really impressed with your knowledge about church history. I really think you are quite theological in spite of what you say. I was impressed.
God is really cool in so many ways. God, lets us be to do whatever we will. I am often reminded of the Christian writer from the Enlightment who talked about God being like a watch-maker. God created the universe, humanity, and everything else, winded the clock and took a step back, and let it go. I do not know if that is something I agree with, but I find it interesting.
Another commented; My cousin in Mass. She depicted a faithful and loving God that I have come to connect with. I sometimes still struggle with that, although the alternative is a mean and nasty god that really has it out for us.
God, spirit, peace is in many ways to me acceptance of myself and others. In the New Testament, Jesus is to have said to "...love God and love one another as you love yourself." Seems to me that has a lot of acceptance in it.
Hope this is not just a bunch of jibberish.
I do think that to be "godly" you must have the ability to love others and self. If you cannot do that, then in my book, what is life all about?

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I am taking Early Christianity this semester and have found the issue of martyrdom to be quite interesting. I have some thoughts...Howard and I have discussed them, but I wonder what you think. This link below will tell you about several women who in the third century gave their lives because of their claim of Christianity. Was this what Christ was asking them to do? Interesting!


Saturday, October 01, 2005

Iron Jawed Angels

I am amazed that we have only had the right to vote for less than one-hundred years. I viewed the film "Iron Jawed Angels" this past week and WOW it was amazing. I would encourage EVERYONE to watch it. I am so glad there is finally a movie out that is worth watching.
Click here to go to information about the film: http://iron-jawed-angels.com/

Sunday, October 16th

I have the honor of preaching at Elm Tree Christian Church, 2904 NW 3RD St, Bentonville, AR 72712-3426, 4792710663 at 10 a.m. on Sunday, October 16th. I am so excited!
Please be sending good thoughts my way that day!

Why is God Real???

I had a very nice athiest respond by commenting on my blog. The first thing that I want to say is that I believe that God whoever She/He is, is quite simply a loving force that wants goodness to be present within the chaos of the world today. (And boy do we have plenty of that in our world today???)
There is of course a great deal of mystery about who/what God is. Some people, most people have given God names, like "God", and then others have just acknowledged that there is a life-giving force that cannot be named.
When one says that they are athiest, I wonder what proceeded that proclaimation? Does it mean that they are fighting religious concepts? Have they possibly had bad experiences with a religous organization? Are they dissapointed with humanity that claims to be religious?
I hear people say many times that it is hard to believe in God when there is so much suffering in the world. What do you think about that? Is it God's problem that there is suffering? Should God be like a Star-Trek character and beam down and be like Superman? I wish not for a God who can take away the things that build my character. I pray for a God that will fill me with the amazing things that show the world there is hope and goodnes.
I think we all battle with what we think God is about. That is so totally different for everyone, including those within different Christian denominations.
For me to keep it straight, I must believe that God is good; God gave me life; God continues to speak to me internally as well as through nature and the lives of others; and finally, God interacts with those who show interest.
I love to hear about what people think about God. I learn so much and it really does advance my own views.
It is early, I have not had coffee and I have a lot to read for school and many papers to write....so if any of this sounds odd, you will know why.
Blessings, Laura